Organo Gold Australia

Keeping the troubles away with Organic Green Tea


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Study conducted on 2013, found that green tea is capable of preventing a range of heart related problems from high blood pressure to congestive heart failure.

Green tea is made from un-oxidized leaves which is of the least processed types of tea in the world. It is rich with many antioxidants and important polyphenols. Often, people used green tea in Indian medicine and traditional Chinese to heal wounds, control bleeding, improve heart and mental health, aid digestion and regulate temperature of the body.

Studies shows that green tea has positive impact on liver disorders, weight loss, Alzheimer’s disease and type 2 diabetes. According to one Swiss study, MRI’s revealed that individuals who consumed green tea had greater activity and energy in the working memory area of the brain. Green tea is also capable of blocking the formation of plaques that are connected to Alzheimer’s disease.


Let’s learn few facts about Green Tea

  • According to 2020 database review trusted source of epidemiological and experimental studies, it was discovered that consumption of green tea can lower the risk of cancer. This was discovered after assessing 142 completed studies with 1.1 million participants.
  • According to a review of multiple studies, caffeine and catechines in green tea might have a role in improving energy metabolism leading to weight loss. Another study stated that caffeine and catechines will produce weight loss effects.
  • Green tea consumption is linked with reduced mortality due to cardiovascular disease. It was found that participants who consumed a minimum of five cups of green tea per day had a reduced risk of morality evolving from cardiovascular disease. Many studies including a total of nine conducted with over 200,000 participants supported the fact that green tea is associated with positive outcomes with regards to ischemic and cardiovascular disease.
  • Reviews from a trusted source in 2017 also stated that polyphenols in green tea has the capability to improve epithelial function, decrease inflammation, lower blood pressure and also reduce risk of heart disease in people with obesity.
  • In 2011, a study found out that consumption of green tea, either as a capsule or beverage was linked to modest reductions in total density lipoprotein cholesterol. Some studies even have discovered that there is a lower risk of type 2 diabetes with people who consume green tea in comparison to who consume tea.


As evident, Green tea could be the secret to your healthy and energetic work life!.

We at Organo, provides the unique, natural blend of green tea and Ganoderma lucidum.

ORGANO™ Organic Green Tea is 100% certified organic to make your life turn from better to best!

Our Ganoderma Lucidum is a great source of amino acids which are the building blocks or triterpenoids and protein consisting multiple health benefits to cardiovascular and immune system. Its addition, our green tea makes the beverage incredible with rich nutrients.

So make it a habit to brew a cup of smooth and refreshing beverage to boost your energy levels and stay away from the daily stress.


How to Prepare

Brew it for two to three minutes in water heated to 60-85°C to enjoy a classic cup of his Organic Green Tea.

ORGANO™ Organic Green Tea can be enjoyed cold or hot on its own or with Honey, ginger, mint or lemon.




Founded in 2008 as Organo Gold, ORGANO is dedicated to bringing the benefits of the earth’s nutritional riches to people throughout the world via its premium products that can be used daily to help to achieve a more energetic and healthier lifestyle.
